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to 5:30 PM
The Schools and Principals of the Yuma Vicariate, and CTSO, invite
you to a Wine and Cheese event to learn more about Arizona’s
Corporate Tuition Tax Credits and how they work for you.
Over the past 20+ years, CTSO and companies like yours have opened the doors of educational opportunity to more than 70,000
children, giving them access to an ex-ceptional education by providing $124 million dollars in scholarship.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
5:30pm to 7:00 PM
Yuma Catholic High School —2100 W 28th S
Please RSVP by October 14, 2019
Michelle Umbower
(Business Manager)
Immaculate Conception Parish
(928) 782-7516 or
(928) 210-9415 (c) or
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